Monday, July 26, 2010


1. Abstract
2. Introduction
2.1 Basic Medical-phsics conception
2.2 The Radiobiology
2.3 Basic mechmatical conception
2.4 MC used in the Oncentra MasterPlan
3. Materials and Methods
3.1 Oncentra MasterPlan
3.2 Monte Carlo Algorithm
4. Results
4.1 Measurement
4.2 Simulate on the Oncentra MasterPlan
5. Analysis
5.1 Compare measurement data with former data
5.2 Compare with simulated data
5.3 what cause the noisy?
5.4 The charateristic of the DDP
6. Conclusion
7. Acknowledge
8. Referrence

2. Introduction
2.1 Basic Medical-phsics conception
2.1.1 Interaction between Electron and matter

The interaction between electron and matter can be devided into three categories, a is the radius of from the outter ortical electron to the nuclei and b is the distance between the incident electron and the nuclei.
  1. If b >>a, then happens soft collision, the incident electron changes the path direction and loss less energy;
  2. If b ≈ a, then happens hard collision, the incident electron changes the path direction and loss appreciable amount of the energy;
  3. If b >> a, then happens radiactive, the kinetic energe transfer to the bremsstrahlung.
So, the types of Stopping powers as known:
  1. Collision Stopping Power
  2. Radiactive Stopping Power
the total of the Stopping Power is:
Stot = Srad + Srad

The definition of the Stopping Power is: the energy lost per length. Well, most of the time, we use the Mass Stopping Power, which use the Linear Stopping Power dE/dx divide mass density. The unit of the Mass Stopping Power is MeV. cm²/g.

Energy losses are described by Stopping Power; scattering is described by Scattering Power.[Radiation Oncology physics:]

The multiple scattering of electrons traveling a path length l throuth the absorber is commonly described the mean square angle of scattering that is proportianl to the mass thickness ρl of the absorbing medium. [Radiation Oncology physics:]

2.1.2 The structure of the Linac and the principle of Linac

2.1.3 Dosimetry
2.1.4 TPS and QA
2.2 The Radiobiology
2.2.1 Physical interaction, Chemistrical interaction and Biological interaction
2.2.2 single DNA-link break and double DNA-link break
2.2.3 Target modeling
2.3 Basic mechmatical conception
2.3.1 the fundamental of Probability
2.3.2 the fundamental of MC
2.3.3 Particle Transport Application of MC
2.4 MC used in the Oncentra MasterPlan
2.4.1 MC used in the RT TP
2.4.2 Compare with other Algorithms

3. Materials and Methods
3.1 Materials
3.1.1 Accelerator-Linac 4
3.1.2 Oncentra MasterPlan v3.3
3.1.3 Excel-draw curve tools
3.1.4 Others
3.2 Method
3.2.1 Monte Carlo Algorithm
3.2.2 Transport simulation
4. Results
4.1 Measurement
4.1.1 The basic setting of the measurement
4.1.2 show the data as graph or curve
4.2 Simulate on the Oncentra MasterPlan
4.2.1 The aim
4.2.2 the Process
4.2.3 the Data
5. Analysis
5.1 Compare measurement data with former data
5.2 Compare with simulated data
5.3 what cause the noisy?
5.4 The charateristic of the DDP
6. Conclusion
7. Acknowledge
8. Referrence

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